Squat clean-it

As usual, when doing ANY exercise at Gym Revolt, the most important thing to remember is form... form... form!!!  

Here are some pointers to keep in mind today:

1) First off, explode and jump and don't totally "muscle" the movement. 
2) Complete the explosion of the jump. The major thing we'll need to work on is relaxing those arms during the upward motion of the clean. Learn to trust your legs to be the prime movers in the lift. 
3) FINISH the extension (think JUMP).

Look at this picture and you'll see what I mean about finishing your extension.

4) When you think JUMP, EXTEND with your shoulders pulled back slightly at the top so the bar can clear. 
5) Keep the bar close to you, it should brush your upper thigh the entire time you're extending (think of the picture in the link above). This is part of the reason why so many people are landing on their toes after the jump.

Other things to consider:

  • ARCH your back and keep your chest UP! 
  • Finish that extension by focusing on JUMPING UP rather than pulling the barbell up. 
  • Elbows up when you catch the bar. They should point forward not down. The bar should land on your SHOULDERS not your wrists.

Here is a good video demonstrating a squat-clean (G.R. article 11/11/11)

Recipe Of the Day: Pumpkin muffins

I. 25min max
Clean squats drills
II. 5min max
3x8 Floor low row
III. Metcon
3 Rounds (10min max):
5x push press 135/95
10x swings 70/50
15x burpees