Success Stories

I've been a member since 2009. I heard about Gym Revolt from my family members. The best thing is being the most fit that I have ever been, since the birth of my children (over 30 years ago). I workout 5 days per week. When I first started I weighted 145 lbs and 23.5% body fat.  Now: 120 lbs and 15.5% body fat. Now I eat much healthier.  I've cut a lot of salt in my diet as well as carbs and fat.  I eat more fish, leaner meats and a lot of veggies and fruits.  My overall cholestorol and blood pressure went down dramatically to even allow my doctor to cut some of my medication. I am motivated every day to maintain my overall fitness which reduces my stress level and allows me to feel more energized throughout the day. In the beginning, I was very intimidated by the work out, to the point where I did not want to join.  However it is the best thing I ever did.  These work outs seem very intimidating but I would advice anyone to at least give it a try like I did because the results will blow your mind away.  Also the environment is very family-oriented and we have lots of fun together while seeing everyone achieve great results.

 Before CFR I would work out about 2-3 times a week with the normal workouts that I would set for myself (ex Chest & Back one day, Shoulders & Bi's the next etc.) I've been with Gym Revolt since 2009. I joined because of Joe and Pete.  My favorite exercise is a three way tie between either pull-ups/chin-ups, hand stands or anything on the rings (L-sits, knee to elbows...) My least favorites, not the biggest fan of Thrusters or Hang Cleans. My biggest achievement since starting at GR is perfecting my form in certain workouts.  It makes a big difference once that form is correct. I workout 2 times a week. Before GR I thought I was in good shape and my strength level I considered about average.  I weight about 167lbs.  Now I realized that my strength is growing while I'm trimming that excess un-needed body fat (154lbs). I've now been more focused on what to eat at what times of the day and being introduced to the Paleo diet has changed my nutritional intake for the better.  Never felt better in my life.  I actually feel better at the age of 30 then I did when I was in my early 20's. The WOD motivates me, the people I workout with motivate me (I consider them all like my family), the trainers (Pete & Joe) motivate me, and the fact that I feel great internally and externally adds the cherry on my daily motivation! So many people lack the motivation to jump in a great workout course like this due to what their brain says they can't do.  I was at that stage once and with the help of Joe and Pete, I learned that your brain doesn't run the show with these workouts, it's more what's in your heart that fuels your body to do what workouts you have been assigned.  I've never worked out at a gym where you could actually call 20+ people your family and feel that they are all there to motivate each other and reach the same goals (a better and healthier way of living).

 I had no fitness routine before starting CrossFit except for going to the gym at times on and off since starting college. I've been with Gym Revolt since the beginning, October 2010 (and prior to that a member of Spartan Squad since April 2009). I got started through my husband, Ron, heard that Pete and Joe were starting group classes in the Spring of 2009 and he encouraged me to sign up and give it a try. My favorite exercises are hang cleans and Chin Ups (though i'm still working on my form and strength with them) My least favorite exercises are turkish getups and overhead squats (Basically the 'Arnie' workout).  My biggest achievement has been an overall increase in strength and a significant drop in weight and BMI since starting these workouts.  I am most proud of meeting my personal goal in February of completing 'Arnie' with 4 minutes shaved off my previous time record. I workout 3 times a week. I still struggle with many of the exercises at Gym Revolt, but I am continuing to work on building my strength and improving my flexibility. Since starting with Gym Revolt and being introduced to the Paleo lifestyle, i've become much more aware of maintaining a healthy diet and realizing the amount of processed foods that have unfortunately become staples to the average American diet. I am motivated daily when I see how far i've come on so many levels since joining Gym Revolt.  The best motivation, however, comes from Pete & Joe always pushing me to do my best and then do better, and being surrounded by a wonderful group of people who treat each other as family and encourage each other everyday. As a member of Gym Revolt, you are always pushed to reach and exceed your personal fitness goals by Pete & Joe while being surrounded by a constant level of support and encouragement from every member.  The workouts are challenging, but there is always a great feeling of success after completing each class.  Before joining Gym Revolt I never touched a barbell or free weight over 5lbs and I was never athletic or involved in any sports.  If I can do it, anyone can!