
Pete Bellisano owner and Co-Founder of Gym Revolt opened his first gym in 2005 with the desire to build a gym where people of all fitness levels could come together, enhance their lives, push their physical limits, become friends, and have fun while working out. His brother, Joe Bellisano Co-Founder of Gym Revolt joined on 3 months later. Soon the brothers took a tired run of the mill "health club" and turned into a community of fitness enthusiasts who embraced their unique approach and vision.

From 2006 to 2010 times changed, the economy changed, but our will and determination never stopped. Our community grew and sparked us to pursue our dream location. In October of 2010 we moved into our 4,000 square foot garage bay headquarters. Our community now has grown from 1 class of 4 people to multiple classes of 15-20.  We firmly believed that our approach to fitness would appeal to people of all fitness levels. 

We constantly strive to provide the knowledge and tools necessary for you to achieve and surpass your expectations.

Our philosophy has been based on the premise that our bodies and mind respond to constantly changing environments and workouts while our experiences are enhanced powerfully in a team driven environment.  We believe our bodies can be worked effectively without expensive, exotic equipment- in a simple, spare environment without all the trappings of an expensive, trendy health club. It's not about how much you lift... It's about you, your mind, your body, and making you the healthiest overall person that you can possibly be (both mentally and physically). We look beyond the physical means to improve your health and strive to create a stronger community -by making a difference and helping others. Gym Revolt is simply unlike any other program out there, period.

To learn more, please refer to this page: