What are side burpees?

Side burpees are a variation of the "traditional burpee" that adds lateral movement to create slightly different muscle recruitment patterns for explosiveness. The bottom limit remains the same, when your chest/thighs touch the ground. When coming off the floor on "GR side burpees" we require the individual to try NOT to use their hands (as much as possible) and try to jump from the push up position and land into a low-squat. Once in this position, we have some sort of object (in most cases a barbell) on the side of the trainee and have he/she jump from one side of the object-over it-to the other side.  See sequence pictured below.
Eric demonstrates proper explosive power during GR side burpees.

Looking for more on BURPEES?

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Push press (135/75)
*Double unders
Hang cleans (135/75)

*If doing singles, multiply reps by 2.5