AGOGE camp

"The Agoge was the rigorous education and training regimen mandated for all male Spartan citizens, except for the firstborn son in the ruling houses, Eurypontid and Agiad. The training involved learning stealth, cultivating loyalty to one's group, military training (e.g., pain tolerance), hunting, dancing, singing, and social preparation.[1] The word "agoge" had many meanings in ancient Greek, among them seizure or abduction, but in this context generally meant leading, guidance or training."  *from wikipedia

Through the course of our time in developing strength and conditioning programs, we have based our our lives and careers on the philosophy of training our bodies the way they were designed to move. No gimmicks, no machines, nothing fancy. Control over body weight, use of kettlebells, and challenging endurance training have led us to continuous success with our clients and ourselves. By utilizing a "Paleo" approach to nutrition, our success has been magnified both in performance and over all quality of life.

Starts this Monday, February 6th, 2012 @7pm. If you haven't signed up yet, there are limited spots available. 
Fill this out ASAP to reserve your spot!

Looking for recipes, articles, and information on dieting? G.R. archives

a.) 1min * max rep/per
Lunge row * 30sec/side
Press outs
Prisoner push up + Iso. Reverse fly * 30sec/side
b.) 3min * max rep
Jump Rope
Gator Push up x 60ft
Frog-pop Squat x 15
Bear Crawls x 60ft