Lunging... a group effort!

Lunges: To perform the lunge, start with your feet about hip width apart. Your shoulders should be back, your chest should be out and your eyes should be looking directly ahead of you. Take a large step with your left leg to start, and make sure your left shin is almost perpendicular to the ground. The trail leg should stretch out and your knee should barely touch the ground. Return to the standing position by driving through the heel of your lead foot and pushing yourself back to a standing position with your feet hip width or remaining in the lunge position (pending the workout).
Common mistakes with lunges?  
Bending over at the waist: Your upper body should remain as straight as possible throughout the whole movement. When bending over at the waist and rounding the back, it tends to take the emphasis out of the legs and put a strain on your lumbar (lower back). Away to prevent this is to keep your back straight and your eyes forward -stick the chest out and throw the shoulders back.
Taking short/choppy steps: A short step places added pressure on the knee, and does not fully work your glutes, hams, and hips like a full step lunge does. Generally, the step distance from heal to opposite toe -should be approximately 1/2 your height.
Full range of motion: Make sure you are stepping all the way forward and that your trailing knee is touching the ground or almost touching the ground. 

Recipe Of the Day: Banana and almond butter

10x 4 PT "bears"
20x Sit ups
10x Burpees
10x Pikes
20x Spartan push ups
200x Jump Rope