We despise 99% of commercial gyms. As I am sure most of you can tell by now, if NOT, read: "Why your gym sucks." I know we are not the only one who feel this way. I would go as far as saying, most people who workout at commercial gyms can't stand their overall experience. The problem here is, most people do not know there is a better alternative. But, it’s not just an alternative... It’s a completely different way to train, a different way to experience fitness, and a different grouping of people. So, how are we different you ask? Well...

First off, we love our open space that our members have to interact and workout in. We are not a social club, we are not a dating site, we are not a run way fashion show. People come to us to get fit, stronger, move, and feel better -mentally and physically. There is not a long discussion at the water fountain about dumb shit, there is no juice bars, there is no 40,000 square foot locker room with steamers and hot tubs. 

Gym Revolt does not and will never intimidate or harass anyone, anytime. In globo-gyms there is always some guy hitting on or harassing a poor woman who's trying to exercise and the dipshit doesn't seem to get the hint. Bottom-line, it's sexual harassment, leave the lady alone. Nothing like that will EVER be experienced at our facility, and if it were to happen -the guy would be kicked out on the spot, no questions asked. We have created an environment where all are welcome to train provided they will be a decent human being and treat each other with respect and dignity. 

Here at  Gym Revolt we have the equipment you want and need to achieve your goals. We stock Barbells, dumbbells, bumper plates, metal plates, some kettlebells, hammers, tires, stretch bands, and specialized equipment. We wouldn't blow our budget buying 100 machines that do nothing but collect dust and take up valuable space for lifting, running, jumping, and climbing. Good luck finding 5% of the equipment we offer at a globo-gym.

We want you here. Globo-gyms operate by selling as many memberships as possible, all the while hoping to have minimal attendance. It's no secret. Most of them will over sell the facility over 250% above the number of members they could actually support and help. Bottom-line, they want your money, not your success. On the other hand, Gym Revolt operates with a goal of 100% success with every member. We are not trying to overfill our roster with people who will never show up. In fact we are only interested in having members who are as serious about their results as we are. When you sign up you are agreeing to your butt in here 2 to 5 days a week. We want you here.

We train you the way your body needs to be trained. Most globo-gyms and other facilities ban chalk, wont allow overhead lifts, no dropping weights, no kettlebells, no loud noises, and etc. In many ways it would appear they are only concerned about keeping a pretty interior to their club. Yet, at Gym Revolt we not only allow all of these outlawed practices, we encourage them. We want you lifting awkward objects, we want you throwing weight overhead, and guess what? If a weights too heavy, DROP IT! Use chalk! Be  as intense as you want to be and HAVE FUN with it!
We will help you. If you don't understand something, ASK! I think back to when I was at an unnamed certification (at a very popular venue-mind you) and actually watched a "trainer" show another "trainer" a video of one of his clients and they were both ripping on him. WTF?!?!?!?!? I was appalled. These people are looking to you for help to better their lives and this is how you help them? I pride myself on trying to create a positive experience for my members, enjoy getting to know them, and try to have a positive impact on their lives. They are not coming in so I can rip on them or just so I can kick their ass in  a workout (hard work is a large part of it-don't get me wrong), but we want to get to know you! We encourage our members to help and guide one-another as well. If Johnny sees Emily needs to tweak her form, he can make suggestions or express concern (assuming a coach doesn't catch it first).
Gym Revolt is a community. I always kinda chuckle from the passive aggressive hostility of the weight room floor in every globo-gym I have ever been in (which is a lot of them). People engage in staring matches and the old wild-wild west show downs. I guess all of the members never noticed that because they are too busy goggling Jimbo the juice head curling, now no one else is supposed to curl either. It's stupid!!! Naturally these roaming staring matches can go on for hours, and no one is working out. At Gym Revoltyou will meet like minded people who are in our facility for the exact same reason you are, to get and feel better. You become a part of a community where mutual respect is the currency and fitness is the enjoyable standard.
Speak to any employee of any globo-gym and you will find them attempting to pitch you on 30 different things that are not even mildly related to results. “Come see our juice bar, look at our bathrooms, check out our pools- we have 5, look at our restaurants, and look at our clothing line.” WTF! Gym Revolt will NEVER offer all of that crap, we are here for one reason and one reason only -to help you get RESULTS. Results? Lose body fat, build lean toned muscle, get stronger, move better. We don't do sales pitches. We get members by our members being our business cards. Your success = our success!
If you are in the Berkeley Heights, NJ area and you are as tired as we are of the madness, you should come check us out. If you live elsewhere or we are not local for you, I encourage you to contact a members only private training facility and try a new fitness experience. I think once you do it will change your entire perspective on fitness and health.