The overhead squat is the ultimate core exercise, the heart
of the snatch, and peerless in developing effective athletic movement.
This functional gem trains for efficient transfer of energy from large
to small body parts - the essence of sport movement. For this reason it
is an indispensable tool for developing speed and power. The overhead
squat also demands and develops functional flexibility, and similarly
develops the squat by amplifying and cruelly punishing faults in squat
posture, movement, and stability.
Drill: Squat form
you are having problems with your air squats, DO NOT use weight on
OHS. You MUST improve your air squats in order to perform a proper OHS.
For max roundsRest 1 minute between rounds, add 20#/10# per round, continue until failure
2x Overhead squat (starting weight is 75#/45#)