Snatch-Grip DeadLift

If you think about it, this is the opposite of the sumo deadlift, which shortens the Range Of Motion. Likewise, some powerlifters will lift in flat or NO shoes to shorten the ROM. What we want to do here is lengthen it. The snatch grip will take care of that.
How to: In the starting position, feet are shoulder width apart. Grip is wider than usual like when done with a snatch lift (pending height, hands outside rings -approx. 1.5x width of shoulders). Knees, chest and shoulders over bar and retracted shoulder blades. Lower back is always kept arched. Eyes forward (not down). Now with the upper body tight, start the lift with your legs/back and pull upward. Speeds of Snatch grip DL's can vary, much like any other exercise, pending your goals (D.E., M.E., or Vol.). Regardless of how fast you raise the weight, it is important to NOT bounce the weight off of the floor -lifting the weight from a dead-weight position, hence the name "DEADLIFT!" And repeat.

Recipe Of the Day: Berries, balsamic, and almonds

3rm x Snatch grip DL

4 sets (superset - break between)
10 x BB (back) Lunges
10 x Hamstring falls

Band (ML) twist