Turkish Get Ups

Andrea displays great strength and technique while performing Turkish Get Ups.

  • Turkish Get Ups:  Start by lying on your back with your left knee bent and your right leg flat on the ground. Raise your left hand toward the ceiling. Keep your raised hand completely straight. Roll from the shoulder up and slightly to the side to pop up to the elbow. Make sure to keep yourself looking at your raised hand at all times. Push your hips up, moving from balancing on your elbow to your hand and fully extending your leg on the same side. Make sure as you do this that your raised hand stays raised and that you continue to look at your hand. Move front foot (the one on the opposite side of the raised hand) back and underneath you until you can put your knee on the ground. From the kneeling position simply stand up (a one armed Overhead Lunge). Do so by extending your left knee as you raise your right leg to a straight position. Again, keep your raised arm straight as you do this. Once you have finished the exercise, reverse the steps back and repeat.

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