Side loading your squats

Rafael enjoys the imbalance of side-loaded squatting!

This exercise is a very simple but VERY effective way to really hit your mid section and engage nearly every muscle in the body simultaneously. It looks like squat, stands like a squat, and IS a squat but it doesn't hit the muscles the same way as a regular squat does! Pretty simply, you're going to just load ONE side of the body and hold onto the bar with one hand (same hand as the side that's loaded) or both. Finding proper bar placement is tricky and can be painful at first -this is why lighter loads are suggested until you get as comfortable as possible with this exercise.

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3 SETS: each # is performed for 1min/exercise/weight. Set is not complete until all three weights have been performed for 1min *max rep. *Breaks between = 1min
1: Sumo DL (90/75/65) or (50/40/30)
2: Push up, plank, and dips
3: Swing (45/35/25) or (30/20/10)